Combat Zone at Salute 2005
Back in 2005, the Portbury Knights put on an epic Combat Zone demo at Salute, and it hosted some very impressive terrain.
The images have been wonderfully kept by Gisby over at the Combat Zone Chronicles.

Female ganger by truck

That bloody reporter's back! (Grab the reporter miniature here)

The FBI are desperate to get a burger from Sam 'n' Ella's

The docks

Barry Belly's about to Die

Under the Boardwalk

Another villain down

Guards take up position

Execution of an unarmed Rozzer (Grab the Police Miniature here & the Fed Miniature here)

Another view of the city/table top.
Enter the combat zone
Do you like what you've seen? Do you want to enter a world set in a dark not so distant future? Do you want to play an exciting, expansive and tactical wargame that only needs a handful of miniatures?
If the answer is yes, then Combat Zone sounds like the game for you!