Fantasy Warriors Game - Grenadier Models
Fantasy Warriors is a fantasy miniatures wargame which was published by Grenadier Models in 1990. Designed by Nick Lund in cooperation with Doug Cowie & Mark Copplestone, the board game box set features battles between the armies of the dwarves and orcs.
How the game works
Each player controls an army and their aim is to defeat the opposing player. Using head on attacks, scouting, boasts, omens, threats and magic, the player must lead their warchief and army to victory.
The original set contained 2 armies (102 plastic miniatures), 140 colourful game counters, rulebook, day/night time dial, 5 dice, quick reference sheet and a ruler.
Where can we get the rules
The rules can be downloaded here for free: Fantasy Warriors Rules - PDF
Grenadier also released the fantasy warriors companion rulebook, a supplement book which introduced features such as:
- the undead
- giant creatures
- battlefield equipment
- sneaky tricks
- mercenaries
- dwarven cannon
- goblin war giant
- dragons
- paladins
- amazons
- and revised army lists
We have a small batch of the original books which can be found here: fantasy warriors companion
The miniatures
You may recognise our plastic orc and dwarf miniatures from the box set imagery. You can find them here: plastic fantasy figures
If you are looking for a special character, why not view our Elfsera range for a hero miniature: Elfsera fantasy range